It was eleven years ago since my mother and my father decided to separate each other’s lives. I was powerless on accepting the certainty that I am part now of the number of so many broken families in the world.
Just after that dilemma, I was immediately sent to my mom’s parents in the province just to continue my grade school there instead of continuing it here in Manila, which is my hometown. I was just seven years old on that time and it was really hard for me to adjust so many mushrooming changes in my life. I started waking up every morning without my father’s face smiling just to greet me “good morning”. I was forcing myself to eat foods that are not cooked by my mom and so on. With me and my sister Cathy, shared those hard adjustments to our new life just to move on.
However, I can still say that we have not been really abandoned by our parents. My mom just left us because she wants to work to sustain our needs continuously even if this would be the reason to be away from us. But meanwhile, my father, I remember he just sent us a letter and after that nothing follows.
We’d had a continuous communication with my parents except my dad. Definitely, me and my sister have no news about him. That’s why when my mom went home for a vacation, I eagerly sleep beside her. I ask her so many questions about my dad. She never hides the every information on my father. I love being told about their love stories, my dad’s likes, favorites, his real behavior et cetera. But, my mother unhappily told me that she can not inform me where my dad is. I respect the limitation of every person; maybe mom is just afraid that my father would get us away from her.
As the days went by, I, my sis and my mom had a very nice relationship. The three of us were just like sister actually. And, we are absolutely happy even if sometimes I am longing to have a dad.
Real challenges for us as a ‘family without a dad’ were just a start of everything. Since my mom garnering an age similarly like us, she’d had a man to love again without knowing it by me. I had just knew it when she disclosed me that she is pregnant with that stupid man. I felt I lose everything on me. My mother, my father, my dreams, everything are damn lose. It is because, I am planning to be the bridge of my mom’s and dad’s reunderstanding. I want to rebuild our family by fixing their small problem. But now, how can it be? If there will be now a new family member but not my dad’s child?
My mom for so much despair was tempted to abort the baby. She admit to me that she’s afraid that I might be rebellious against her. She was so frightened about what would be its output to us. I was crying when I have known that she’s going to kill the baby in her womb just for us. They are my sister indeed even if just a sister-in-law. No! It couldn’t be, I said.
I tried to talk with my mom. But, she was so sensibly lost. She was like an alive human without a breath. She doesn’t want to talk anyone. She’d imprisoned herself in her room alone. It was alarming for me, what if she’s planning to commit suicide.. et cetera.
At last, God’s plan prevails! My mom decided to give birth the child as what I were praying to Jesus. She finally left her boyfriend. I thought she really wants to do his promise to us. And that is to be with us always just to take care of us.
She didn’t stop asking me her sincere apologies. I just answer her my teary smile. I don’t know why I could hardly speak at that time. She was still crying when she delivered her new baby, I mean my new sister. And ooopss.. they were twins! They are both cute little baby girl. So we call them Angel and Princess.
Mom was 100% right to left the stupid man. We take care of the twins alone by the help of our relatives. They fully supported us. Me and mom are good enough, everything was fixed by God’s help. I never disrespect her. I fully understand what happened to her. I believe that it was just part of her real life and part of God’s challenges to her. The important there was she learned from it and it was her new start be a more responsible mom for us.
Mom had fully changed. She’s very determined now than before. Fortunately, I am an incoming 3rd year in college. My sister next to me had just finished her high school. And, the twins are now in grade 2.
As of now, we are just the focal point of our mom. The past were served as a lesson for us. We’d have a motto for this “Let bygones be bygones!” In God’s guide, we are satisfied at now for what we have. And as an eldest daughter of our mom I urge my sisters to be a good child and to not ask for anything that are impossible to have.
For now, I have a contact with my dad. Mom knew it already and she just show me respect to my decision to find my dad. The only important is we’re always together(with my mom and the 4 of us girls) happily in sickness and in wealth. My dad now has a new family and we’re happy for him.
I am proud to be raised by a single mom who showed real and unconditional love to us despite of so many hindrances in life. She’s always there every time I nearly fall. We gratefully adore and salute you! You’re bitter experiences in life are not a bad examples for us BUT a lesson to be learned.
Happy MOTHER’S DAY MAMA!! I love you so much!!